Loan Purchases, Sales, Workouts and Participation
We represent loan purchasers, sellers and participants in connection with the acquisition and sale of both problem and performing loans and loan portfolios. Therefore, we understand issues from the standpoint of both sides of the relationship. We are regularly involved with the work out and restructuring of non-performing loans and coordinate with our bankruptcy and litigation departments in order to provide comprehensive representation in connection with such matters.
Our Commercial Real Estate lawyers provide services in the following areas, among others:
- Development
- Environmental
- Financing (Mortgages, Mezzanine, Private Equity)
- Franchisee Representation
- Land Use (Planning, Zoning and Wetlands)
- Leasing (Retail, Restaurant, Industrial, Ground and Office)
- Loan Purchases, Sales, Workouts & Participations
- Purchase and Sale
For more information please contact Doug Pelham, or Richard J. Shea, Jr.